Current Officers

OFFICERS 2021-2022

Worshipful MasterWBro. Mark Lewis
Immediate Past MasterWBro. Ronen Jachimowicz PM
Senior WardenBro. Frank Foo
Junior WardenWBro. Jerome Oppedisano PM
ChaplainWBro. Jeff Holloway PM
Treasurer (Elected)WBro Simon Benedykt PJGD 
SecretaryWBro. Sam Lewin PGStdB OMF
Assistant SecretaryBro. Brian Samuel MM OAM
Director of CeremoniesVWBro David Bloom PGChap
Assistant DCWBro. Phillip Spitalnic PM
AlmonerWBro Gerry Sabel PJGD
Senior DeaconBro. Rabbi Meir Kluwgant MM
Junior DeaconBro. Stephen Hall MM
OrganistRWBro. Mark Gealer PJGW OMM
ChoirmasterWBro Harry Adlerstein PGStdB
Assistant ChoirmasterBro. Bruce Levin MM
Inner GuardBro. Spiro Perdikomatis MM
StewardsBro. David Goldberg MM
 Bro Daniel Gonzalez MM
 Bro. Giora Hoffmann MM
 Bro. Bradley Klein MM
 Bro. Dion Perdikomatis FC
 Bro Marki Perdikomatis MM
 Bro. Steven Silver MM
 Bro. Michael Vorchheimer MM
Tyler (Elected)WBro. Peter Morris PJGD

2021-2022 COMMITTEES

Planning and General Purposes Committee:

Chairman: WBro Ashley Melnacis (Elected)
Appointed Past Master’s Representatives: WBro Peter Cohen PGStdB. WBro Gavin Want PM, WBro Jeff Tait PGStdB, WBro Rod Segal
Minute Secretary: WBro Ron Benedykt PGStdB
Appointed Master Mason’s Representatives: Bro Giora Hoffmann, Bro. Stephen Hall, Bro Philip Mayers
Ex-Officio Members: Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Almoner, Chaplain, Director of Ceremonies, Assistant Director of Ceremonies, Engagement Officer, Education Officer
Almoner’s Committee: WBro Gerry Sabel (Almoner), Bro. Rabbi Meir Kluwgant
Engagement Officer: WBro. Ronen Jachimowicz 
Eucation Officer: WBro Harry Blatt PSGD 
Homes Ambassador: WBro George David PM
Task Force Rep: Bro Giora Hoffmann 
Honorary Auditor: RWBro Dennis Beed PJGW
Membership Committee: WBro Mark Lewis, WBro S. Benedykt PJGD, WBro Sam Lewin PGStdB OMF, WBro Harry Blatt PSGD and Bro Frank Foo
Finance Committee: WBro Simon Benedykt PJGDWBro Gavin Want PM, and WBro Mark Lewis